ANYbotics Website unveils Greatives Web’s vision of a complete Web Development redesign to reclaim its full range of digital features.
Greatives Web implemented Web Development (code & development) based on its framework and the latest WordPress coding standards. We added the required custom functionality and worked on a strict 30-day schedule.
Our collaborative framework with ANYbotics included implementing a state-of-the-art application based on a precise and flexible screen design for all pages and all desktops. We also achieved user-friendly URLs, clean HTML description structure, and HTML-referenced images with clear filenames and alt-tags.
We’ve worked to redesign ANYbotics corporate identity and give it a new visual design, new structure and up-to-date content.
Subsequently, Greatives Web applied cutting-edge Web Development technologies such as AJAX techniques, which are a powerful method of exchanging data with a server and updating portions of a web page without reloading the entire page. This is an extremely valuable tool for interactive sites, such as ANYbotics, allowing them to transfer information to users without frustration at loading times.
Creative navigation through Advanced tabs improved the UX in several website sections.
Advanced Tabs often display alternative views of the same information set on a web page. We used these tabs to facilitate navigation and add a sense of creativity and usability to the ANYbotics site.